Monday, 20 April 2009

Saturday 18th April 2009

Early start and feeling more positive - Jessica & Matt and Amy & Paul meeting us today. Route pretty and much as Malcolm and I remembered. Aly spotted 3 muntjack deer - quite magical, just running on the top of a ridge. Jessica and Matt provided back up which was much appreciated and gave us a real lift. Last 10 miles caused Aly some concern as knee sore, will "dose up" and wear knee support tomorrow. Malcolm supportive as ever with comments such as "stop whingeing woman". Looking forward to being joined by some of our children to run in the morning.

Another 26 miles completed.
Aly (AKA Incredible Mum) and Marathon Malcolm.

Post Script by Jess:
Far be it from me to keep re-living my 5 minutes of fame (!), but mum wanted me to add it to the blog, so I will of course oblige!! As we set off on our way to meet the intrepid 2 at Sandford Orcas, Somerset on Satruday morning, I decided to text Chappers and Dave on Radio 1 as they were doing a feature about travelling somewhere. I told them where we were travelling to and why, and minutes later they were on the phone asking me to talk to them on air. What's a girl to do, hey?! So I went on air just after 8am and told them of mum and Malc's adventure and that they were doing this for Marie Curie and MacMillan. We had a bit of a chat and they got me back on air just before 10am to see if we had reached our destination yet (sadly we were still 30 miles away). I got the LeJog website mentioned and as a result have seen a pleasing 350 hits. Just waiting to see if any donations also appear. During the "interview" Chappers and Dave, much in awe of mum and Malc, named them Incredible Mum and Marathon Malcolm, which seems to have a nice ring to it!
Jess x

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